Gps navigation Vehicle Tracking Systems: Will I Need One?

Gps navigation vehicle tracking systems tend to be more affordable and accepted in the past, but do you want one? Take this short quiz and keep an eye on your ‘yes’ solutions. I’ll assist you to total your score and choose once you finish.

The First Step: Take Quiz

Will I use vehicles within my business? Yes/No (The phrase ‘vehicles’ includes heavy, medium and lightweight-duty vehicles, construction equipment (dozers, graders, backhoes, etc), cars, motorcycles, RV’s, pick-up trucks, vans, tractor trailers, buses, trailers, dump trucks, snow plows, limousines, taxis, etc.)

Have of my vehicles been stolen previously? Yes/No

Let me know what’s going on where my employees/vehicles are throughout the day: Yes/No

Let me reduce my fuel expenses and determine if any one of my vehicles are wasting gas: Yes/No

Having the ability to give my customers accurate and precise arrival/delivery estimates is essential in my experience: Yes/No

You should determine if any one of my vehicles are utilized after hrs or on weekends for non-business purposes: Yes/No

I would like conserve to 30% on my small vehicle insurance: Yes/No

You should determine if my workers are speeding or else mistreating my vehicles: Yes/No

Or no of my workers are using my vehicles to ‘moonlight’ or will work without my understanding, I’d need to know: Yes/No

Being aware of mechanical issues before they become costly to repair is essential: Yes/No

Or no of my vehicles are ever stolen, Let me see them in a few minutes: Yes/No

Let me have vehicle use data to check with overtime demands in an effort to guard against errors and fraud: Yes/No

I would like a indication when it’s time to do routine maintenance on my small vehicles: Yes/No

From time to time, customers question whenever we were in their location, getting the precise time and date recorded within our tracking system would actually assist in individuals cases: Yes/No

Let me help my employees become more productive by seeing where they’re going every day: Yes/No

Second Step: Total Your ‘Yes’ Solutions

Accumulate your ‘yes’ solutions.

Less than 7 ‘yes’ solutions:Thank you for using the quiz, you do not seem to want/require a vehicle tracking system.

7 to 11 ‘yes’ solutions: Thank you for using the quiz. You can greatly take advantage of an automobile tracking system.

Greater than 11 ‘yes’ solutions: Thank you for using the quiz. You’ll need a vehicle tracking system.

Incidentally, every question above (except question 1 & 2) is clarified by utilizing Gps navigation vehicle tracking systems.

Third Step: Cost versus. Gain

The typical business proprietor recoups their purchase of Gps navigation vehicle tracking systems within six to twelve several weeks after purchase. Obviously, your Return on investment can vary. Recovering one stolen vehicle may invest in your entire tracking system.

Vehicle tracking can help you reduce operating costs and boosts productivity.

Tracking systems reduce vehicle costs by placing a spotlight on speeding employees, who waste fuel, cause excessive engine put on and increase insurance costs. Vehicle tracking systems may also help remind you when it is here we are at preventive maintenance, like oil changes, assisting you keep the vehicles on the highway and causing you to money.

Gps navigation vehicle tracking systems improve productivity by:

documenting lengthy lunch hrs,

exposing unauthorized breaks,

evaluating driver overtime demands with system reports of driver activity,

highlighting unauthorized vehicle use after hrs as well as on weekends,

eliminating driver logs.

Many insurance providers offer discounts as high as 30% for vehicles protected with tracking systems.

Fourth Step: Research

Gps navigation vehicle tracking systems are outstanding tools for vehicle and fleet management, but you have to find the correct system for you personally. Check out the different sorts of Gps navigation vehicle tracking systems.

Check a company’s software and hardware, in addition to their monthly data access plan. You’ll should also decide whether or not to buy or lease your Gps navigation tracking system.

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